Available Positions

Research Specialist

The Stein-O'Brien lab has one (1) open position for a Research Specialist / Lab Manager. The successful candidate will join a fun and engaging laboratory, developing and utilizing cutting-edge, high throughput genetic, genomic and computational technologies for the exploration of neural cell fate decisions, neurodegeneration, and developmental disorders. After entry-level training under the general supervision of a faculty investigator and laboratory supervisor, the individual will be responsible for performing routine molecular biology assays in this research laboratory and contributing to general maintenance of the laboratory, equipment and supplies. The candidate will also present summaries and quality assessments of data generated at regular intervals.

Post-doctoral Fellows

Our group is looking for motivated postdocs who are interested in single-cell biology, neuronal cell fate specification, and functional genomics. We operate at the interface between experimental and computational biology and expect that all postdoc fellows will cross-train in each field. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and a brief summary of your research interests to gsteinobrien@jhmi.edu.

Graduate Students

The Stein-O'Brien lab trains graduate students from the Neuroscience, Human Genetics, and BCMB graduate training programs at Johns Hopkins. Students in these programs are encouraged to contact Dr. Stein-O'Brien directly for information about rotations or joining our group.